P1631 Ford

Ford P1631 OBD-II Trouble Code Definition:

P1631 CAN-interface: Timeout ASR (Bank 2)

P1631 Ford OBD-II Trouble CodeDescription:

Ferrari OBD Trouble Code P1631
CAN-interface: Timeout ASR (Bank 2)
Solutions Malfunction (sig) Check the wiring Check ABS/ASR error Check CAN line impedence-COobai

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OBD Trouble Code P1631
Theft Deterrent Start Enable Signal Not Correct

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OBD Trouble Code P1631
Alternator “T” Open or No Power Output (1.8L).

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Kia OBD Trouble Code P1631
Alternator T Open Or No Power Output (1.8L)

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Kia OBD Trouble Code P1631
Alternator T Open Or No Power Output (1.8L)

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