Ford P0501 OBD-II Trouble Code Definition:
P0501 Vehicle Speed Sensor A Range/Performance
P0501 Ford OBD-II Trouble CodeDescription:
OBD Trouble Code P0501
Vehicle Speed Sensor “A” Range/Performance
What does the code mean? OBD-ii Code P0501 definition:
Basically this means that the vehicle’s speed as read by the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) is not working properly.
Basically this means that the vehicle’s speed as read by the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) is not working properly.
Symptoms Sumptoms of OBD code P0501
This code is different from the P0500 code in the fact that it may not trigger the malfunction indicator light (MIL). Potential symptoms are basically the same as the P0500 VSS code: P0500 loss of anti-lock brakes the “anti-lock” or “brake” warning lamps on the dash may be lit the speedometer or odometer may not work properly (or at all) your vehicle’s RPM limiter may be decreased the shifting of an automatic transmission may become erratic other symptoms may also be present
This code is different from the P0500 code in the fact that it may not trigger the malfunction indicator light (MIL). Potential symptoms are basically the same as the P0500 VSS code: P0500 loss of anti-lock brakes the “anti-lock” or “brake” warning lamps on the dash may be lit the speedometer or odometer may not work properly (or at all) your vehicle’s RPM limiter may be decreased the shifting of an automatic transmission may become erratic other symptoms may also be present
Causes Causes of the OBD-II code P0501
A P0501 DTC trouble code may be caused by one or more of the following: The Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) is not reading (functioning) properly There is a broken/frayed wire leading to the vehicle speed sensor The vehicle’s PCM is not correctly configured for the actual tire size on the vehicle
A P0501 DTC trouble code may be caused by one or more of the following: The Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) is not reading (functioning) properly There is a broken/frayed wire leading to the vehicle speed sensor The vehicle’s PCM is not correctly configured for the actual tire size on the vehicle
Solutions The simplest thing to do is to reset the code and see if it comes back. Next, check all wiring and connectors that lead to the speed sensor. The location of the sensor depends on your vehicle. The sensor could be on the rear axle, transmission, or perhaps the wheel hub (brake) assembly. If the wiring and connectors are OK, then check the voltage at the speed sensor. Again, the exact procedure wil depend on your make and model of vehicle. If everything looks OK, replace the sensor.